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After church this past Sunday I was approached by a parishioner who said that what I had just preached sounded a lot like universalism, the notion that all people will receive God’s salvation no matter what religious affiliation. My answer was that God is indeed a universalist. How could weRead More →

“Death is the mother of beauty” insists Wallace Stevens. I write this as Katharine’s father is near death. Things do not seem all that beautiful to me right now. I’m remembering his life, how courtly, how hard he worked, his grand sense of humor, his devotion to his wife, hisRead More →

I was a pre-med student until my first Chemistry test. In fact, my first two years of college were a struggle for me. The transdisciplinary academic requirements for a liberal arts education were demanding (I stole a C in Discreet Math, aptly named I thought) , and I was homesick.Read More →

I was perusing my seminary’s new web site and came across an archive of student sermons that were preached in Christ Chapel there. One sermon written by a classmate of mine was a reflection on the familiar passage in Ezekiel concerning the dry bones. You remember the passage: God speaksRead More →

Sacraments are defined in the Catechism of the Episcopal Church as outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace. Our particular sacraments we name are Baptism, Eucharist, Unction (anointing of the sick), Marriage, Confirmation, The Reconciliation of a Penitent and Ordination. There are seven of these signs of theRead More →