Of Love’s Strategy

I’ve been reading a compendium of essays by Johann Baptist Metz, a Roman Catholic theologian of the twentieth century, entitled Love’s Strategy. First and foremost in Metz’s mind is the reality that the coming of the Christ is the coming of Love, the Love of God made manifest in earth, in the warp and woof of the human condition, in all aspects of our common life, in the political realm (political meaning: how we order our common life), the social, the economic, in industry and agriculture…all affected, influenced and transformed by the strategy of Love. This is Love oriented towards the future, Love that is active and transformative, Love brought to bear in bold acts of hope, Love a way of living the way we are made to live.

As Christ’s raised body in the world, we are Love’s strategists. It is up to us as people of faith to set this Love loose in the world, so that the world may be changed for the better. Love is not static, but on the move. Metz calls it enlightened conscience. That means we must practice this strategy, our life’s vocation, as a high art; we must study, worship, pray, and pay attention intelligently to our world, to the matters that would hinder this love so passionate for us, and not so patient. This is the life of the church: to be enablers of Love’s strategy in earth…a strategy that can be apprehended in each bold act of loving sacrifice….sacrifice, living for the good of the whole, the template of such a strategy.

In Advent we are called on in Hebrew Scripture, by Isaiah and Baruch, and in the Gospels by John the Baptizer, to prepare the way of God, a way which begins as we speak; and to prepare the way of God is to prepare the way of Love…to recognize and break down the barriers that would hinder such love…to prepare for the change love brings…change for the better for all of God’s beloved…no one left out…Love would not have it any other way….strategy enough for a world made new.