Please keep in your prayers . . .
For healing for: Sue Elledge, Richard Tillman, Paul & Carla, Pat Lyle, Candy McDonald Harsanny, Judy Boswell, Bruce Barrett, Ginny Alexander, Robert Schutt, Lister Thomas, Sue Aiken Zundel, Nick Nichols, Meg Stojanik, Ben Wilson, Jan Cade, Mary Hunter Slaton, Dee Icard, Sallie Connell, Mattie Mitchell, Chuck Salmon, Serena Willcox, Claudia McClure, Undra Dunning, Renee Dillard, Ellen Corte, Donna Smalley, Caden Gray, LaVada Raouf, Tonny Algood, Mary, Richard Cade, Jr., Sara, Adriene LaPorte, Ellen Armentrout, Hannah Pullins, Cora Cade Lemmon, Rose Ellen Stanbery, Becky Wilson, Adele Smith, the Mattei family, Marcia Wyatt, Jacky Bell, Eve Morrison, Colleen, Ann Wesley, Shirley Day, Staci Smith, Andi Barrett, Dana Brantley, Ken Buford, Dottie Dunnam, Gwyn Brantley, Mark Kidd, Pat Clark, Lynn Koors, Mary Rose, Preston Griffith, Jan Irving, Frieda Kennedy, Hoagy, Tom Root, Shannon, Regina, Brian Davidson, Monica McCaskey, Debra Guyton, John Gibson Baylor, Jr., Ruth Rivers, Donna Bowcock, Rita Foust, Haley, Jill, Jennifer Smith, Garn Menell, Charlie Fitts, Shannon Cook

For those who serve in the armed forces: especially David Palmer, David Leatherbury Ritter II, Ethan Roberts, Thomas Roberts, Nyirou Kuot, Matt Abbot, Stephen Rollins, Trevor Thiel

For those who have died, especially Dorothy M. Jones.

If you would like to add a person to our prayer list, please call the office or email us at

Please give us the following information:

  • the date submitted
  • your name (if we can’t determine it from your email)
  • the name of the person to add
  • which category the name should be added to (healing, armed forces, death, other)